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About Me

Hehe, theres some thing's i shoulde'nt have said in my old About Me, lets keep this simple shall we? I'll be more nicer in this About Me ok? No "Bad Words" But, I will use that "Attitude" that made my last About me a success! To start off, Im still in school and my name's Jake Perez? Yeah, typical information. Now, let's get to the good stuff.

Um Yeah i go to Middle School. It will not be named. I'm now in 7th Grade. I'm starting to enjoy this brand new year since im two more years away from High School. I Currently have Eight Periods in school. Yeah, Eight. Dont ask why. Last year i did horrible and i made a commitment and i will pass this year without one "F" on my report card. So far, I've started out outstanding.

Now that were ouf of school terms, i would start off a little off about myself. By the way, if you have already read up to here, congratulations! Want a cookie? Yeah. Anyway's, i do like, i mean, love rock music. I despised it until i started hearing some System of a Down and Linkin Park the eventually My Chemical Romance and so on and so fourth. I do like some Hip-Hop. I'm feeling a little bit lazy so, try to guess what Hip-Hop Artist's i like.

I do like Skateboarding and BMX. I do ride, both, but hardly ever. I spend most of my time Indoors and some of my spare time Outdoors. I like bieng active.

I'm not what you call "Preppy" but if you get lucky you can find me in a Abercrombie shirt or a Hollister shirt on. I dont really wear preppy clothing. I like wearing unique type clothing. Yes, time for another random momment. If you read up to here, I salute you. I will hug you and what ever in school if your a girl and if your a guy, i would'nt really expect you to read up to here cause you'd think this was to long, which is why im ending this here...Not! lol yeah, I am ending this here, let me just get this thing in here, Im hispanic, im single, i was born in New Jersey and now it ends. Hope you liked it. Yes people, Here, it ends..
Name Jake Perez
Gender Male
Age 14
Location Miami, FL
Ethnicity Hispanic
Status In a relationship

Contact Me

IM jp295000@hotmail.com
Website myspace.com/42835995


Showing latest 10 of 12 comments


By leftinspirit on Oct 25, 2007 7:55 pm · History

ok thats wat i thought! my friend does that all the time but i dont cause i cant do anything!

so wats up?

By ZO-9 on Oct 25, 2007 4:51 pm · History

haha great pic! is that ur real eye color?

By ZO-9 on Oct 23, 2007 5:19 pm · History

I like your profile which is fun and honest. and to be honest... ... i feel like a old woman here. LOL. so good to be young.

By estellefimicoloud on Aug 24, 2007 9:54 pm · History

Hi. Im hela fricken bored but i cant do ANYTHING so im talkin to peeps........ uh yeah so does your scool start soon? Mine does... that sucks....... Well im gonna go eat a crap load of sugar, run in circles then watch tv so bye bye.....

By ZO-9 on Aug 4, 2007 5:55 pm · History

I'm about ready too :]

By Pumpx3itup on Jul 15, 2007 9:29 am · History

luckyy, my mom wont let me because
I was a loser in 4th grade and signed
up for flute and i hated it and had to
play until this year and i never
practiced so my mom says i wont
practice guitar :/

By Pumpx3itup on Jul 14, 2007 6:02 pm · History

I wanna learn guitar
soo bad!♥

By Pumpx3itup on Jul 11, 2007 5:45 pm · History

Thanks :]
music is my lifeā™„

By Pumpx3itup on Jul 10, 2007 10:43 pm · History

Haha thanx!! So hows your summer goin?

By ZO-9 on Jul 9, 2007 7:57 pm · History
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Last update Sep 26, 2007

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